Public-health officials are asking all British Columbians to get their influenza and COVID-19 immunizations as soon as possible, as rates of respiratory illnesses are on the rise throughout the province. Please visit this page for more information.

The Ministries of Health and Education recognizes that COVID-19 continues to be prevalent. At this time, public health data indicates relative stability in the severity of health outcomes. As such, the guidelines for COVID-19 will be similar to other respiratory infections and rely primarily on self-management – unless otherwise notified.

For the this school year, kindergarten and elementary students at Anchor Point will continue to follow the province’s K to 12 Communicable Diseases Guidelines while North Creek will follow procedures per the BCCDC Guidance for Child Care Settings.

The school remains vigilant in ensuring that our school complies with the BCCDC’s Communicable Disease Guidelines. Our Communicable Disease Plan’s focus is on reducing the risk of transmission of communicable diseases (including COVID-19). To help keep our school community safe and healthy, please monitor for symptoms of illness regularly and keep your child at home when sick.

If your child is sick:
• Let us know and specify that the absence is illness-related when notifying your child’s absence. As supported by public health, families do not need to disclose if their child’s absence is specific to COVID-19. However, those who test positive for COVID-19 should be diligent in ensuring that the school is aware their absence is illness-related.
• Continue to follow public health guidance and recommendations.


Staff or children who are exhibiting COVID symptoms or other communicable disease are required to stay home until they feel well enough to return to regular activity..

Staff, children, or other persons in the school shall follow the guidance on the BCCDC website as to how long they should self-isolate. They can return to school when they are well enough to participate in regular activities. A health care provider note (e.g., a doctor’s note) to confirm the health status of any individual is not required except for those who need support for medical accommodation as per usual practice.

The school observes WorkSafeBC communicable disease prevention guidance. The school provides staff with communications, orientation and training on communicable disease prevention measures at our facilities. Staff are informed of and are provided associated training when changes occur to the communicable disease prevention measures.


Students and staff are encouraged to ensure they are up to date on all recommended vaccines for other communicable diseases, including COVID-19 vaccines.
Schools are encouraged to share evidence-based information and promote opportunities to be vaccinated in partnership with public health and local Medical Health Officers.

In addition to following BCCDC Guidelines, Lions Gate Montessori maintains safe environments for our staff and students with the following routines and measures:


Staff, children, parents, and caregivers must not enter the school if they have symptoms of any communicable disease, including COVID-19. Signage is posted at the entrance reminding people not to enter the site if they have symptoms associated with COVID-19.

Visitors coming to the facility continue to be limited and prioritized to those supporting activities that are of benefit to student learning. A list of the date, names, and contact information is kept for all visitors who enter the school.

Daily Health Screening: As per the province’s Health & Safety Guidelines, parents are required to screen children daily for the common cold, influenza, COVID-19, or other respiratory diseases prior to sending their child to school. The school’s Transparent Classroom platform has a Distance Drop-off feature that allows parents to answer these screening questions at home and submit it at drop-off. This will greatly help us ease congestion at the door. All families will receive a Distance Drop-off PIN via email prior to the first day of school, which will be used for this purpose. It’s quick and easy and has only 3 steps:

Step 1: Use your device to scan the QR code and navigate to the Distance Drop-off Page.

Step 2: Use your PIN to log in. Forgot your PIN? Log into your Transparent Classroom account to find it on your parent profile.

Step 3: Click on your child’s name to begin sign-in. Answer the screening questions and submit at drop-off. Once signed in, parents will be able to see a confirmation page that will include any Daily Tracking updates as well as notes from your child’s teacher(s). Parents will also be able to leave notes for their child’s teacher(s) using this app.

* Parents can also share this PIN with approved adults who will be dropping off or picking-up your child. Approved adults who do not have this PIN will be signed in by class teachers at the door.

You will be asked if your child has the following symptoms: Common Cold e.g. runny nose, sneezing, etc.) • Fever (38.3 degrees Celsius); Chills • Cough or worsening of chronic cough •Difficulty breathing • Sore throat •Headaches or body aches •Extreme fatigue or tiredness • Diarrhea • Nausea or vomiting • Influenza (H1N1, etc.) • Other infectious or respiratory diseases (bronchitis, etc.)

Students will also be given visual checks at the door by teachers and those who show symptoms will not be able to enter. Please help keep our community safe and ease the concerns of other families in our school by observing the above guidelines. Your adherence to these guidelines is greatly appreciated.

Protocol if a Student/Staff Develops Symptoms of Illness at School
If a student or staff member develops symptoms at school, the school will:
– Provide the student/staff with a mask if they don’t have one (exceptions should be made for students and staff who cannot wear masks for health or behavioural reasons, or if the person is experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms and are at risk of vomiting).
– Provide the student/staff with a space where they can wait comfortably that is separated from others. NOTE: Younger children will be supervised when separated from their class. Supervising staff shall wear a non-medical mask and face shield if they are unable to maintain physical distance, staff will avoid touching bodily fluids as much as possible, and practice diligent hand hygiene.
– Make arrangements for the student/staff to go home as soon as possible (e.g., contact student’s parent/caregiver for pick-up).
– Clean and disinfect the areas the student/staff used. Staff responsible for facility cleaning will clean and disinfect the surfaces/equipment that may have been in contact with bodily fluids with while they were ill (e.g.,their desk in a classroom, the bathroom stall they used, etc.) prior to the surfaces/equipment being used by others.
– Request that the student seek guidance regarding testing for COVID-19, and stay home until symptoms have improved and they feel well enough to participate in all school-related activities

* In the event of an emergency, communicable disease prevention measures can be suspended to ensure for a timely, efficient, and safe response.

Return to School after Illness
Students and staff may return to school when they are free from symptoms and are able to resume regular activities.


We practice strong traffic controls (limiting entrance to our school only to enrolled students and staff). Please say your good-byes outside the school entrance door at arrival and wait at the outside door until your child is released to you at dismissal.

Doors will open at least 10 minutes prior to class start time to allow for smooth traffic flow and staggered entry.. To ease congestion, children should be dropped off using our Transparent Classroom Distance Drop-off app accompanied by only one parent/guardian.

Students and parents will be greeted verbally using a bow or namaste instead of handshakes or hugs. Parents may enter the premises on a limited, as needed basis. Those who enter must must practice physical distancing and hand hygiene.


Although masks are no longer required, the school respects that mask wearing a personal or family/caregiver choice for staff and students. The decision to wear a mask or face covering is a personal choice for staff, students, and visitors. The school recognizes that students, staff, and other adults may choose to continue to wear a mask because they are more comfortable wearing a mask or because they, or someone in their family, may be at higher risk and want to take extra precautions. Some may choose to continue to wear them throughout the school day, or only during specific activities. The school respects and supports choice. Any bullying or other disrespectful behaviour or conduct related to personal mask choice is unacceptable.


Staff and students should be encouraged to respect others personal space (the distance from which a person feels comfortable being next to another person). Although strict physical distancing is no longer required, the school will continue to create space between people, including:

  • Managing flow of people in common areas, including hallways to minimize crowding and allow people to pass through easily
  • Preventing crowding at pick-up and drop-off times
  • Reminding students and staff about respecting others’ personal space, using visual supports, signage, prompts and video modelling as necessary
  • Using available space to spread people out where possible
  • Taking students outside as much as possible


Our school continues to implement environment configurations as preventative measures to reduce communicable diseases as well as strategies that prevent crowding during class transition and break times as follows:

  • Maximizing space between students and staff.
  • Staggering start/stop times, or recess/snack, lunch and class transition times.
  • Regular learning activities that bring together multiple classes (e.g., examinations, physical education) are spread out across different spaces whenever possible.


The school’s HVAC system is serviced regularly. In addition, all classrooms are equipped with portable HEPA air filters and classrooms are also “aired out” during mid-day. Doors/windows are opened as much as possible, weather and climate permitting.


Hand Hygiene

Hand hygiene is incorporated into our daily routines and schedule (eg. Washing/sanitizing hands upon entering facilities, washing hands before and after the use of communal materials, wiping down desks, regular hand washing reminders, and the like). Rigorous hand washing with plain soap and water is required for all students upon entering the school. Our facility is equipped with 7 sinks and hand sanitizers are placed in every room, enabling easy and accessible hand hygiene practices.

According to the BCCDC, hand hygiene is the most effective way to reduce the spread of illness. We recognize that students and staff can pick up and spread germs easily from objects, surfaces, food and people. As such, all staff and students are required to practice diligent hand hygiene. We ask parents to teach and reinforce these practices at home.

Note that hand sanitizers (due to alcohol content and other ingredients) are used under the supervision of adults, and are not easily accessible within younger children’s reach. The guidelines from the BCCDC recommend using soap and water with hand sanitizer to be used if soap and water are not available.

How we to practice diligent hand hygiene:

• Wash hands with plain soap and water for at least 20 seconds. According to the BCCDC, antibacterial soap is not needed for COVID-19.

• Alcohol-based hand rub containing at least 60% alcohol will be used If sinks are not available (e.g., students and staff are outdoors, etc.)

• Soap and water are preferred when hands are visibly dirty rather than hand sanitizers.

• Staff remind students to wash hands regularly and emphasize the importance of diligent hand hygiene, assisting them as needed.

• Washing supplies are well stocked at all times including soap, paper towels and where appropriate, alcohol-based hand rub with a minimum of 60% alcohol.

Staff are required to wash their hands regularly throughout the day, including:

  • When they arrive and before they go home.
  • Before and after handling and serving food (raw, cooked or pre-packaged).
  • Before and after giving or applying medication or ointment to a child or self.
  • After assisting children with change of clothing/shoes.
  • After assisting a children in washroom duties.
  • After using the toilet.
  • After contact with body fluids (e.g., runny noses, spit, vomit, blood).
  • Before donning and after doffing personal protective equipment.
  • After cleaning tasks.
  • After handling garbage.
  • Whenever hands are visibly dirty.
  • When moving between different learning environments (e.g., outdoor-indoor transitions, from the gym to the classroom).

Staff support children to wash their hands regularly throughout the day, including:

  • When they arrive and before they go home.
  • Before and after eating and drinking.
  • After a change of clothes/shoes.
  • After using the toilet.
  • After playing outside.
  • After sneezing or coughing.
  • Whenever hands are visibly dirty.
  • When moving between different learning environments (e.g., outdoor-indoor transitions, from the gym to the classroom).
  • Before using masks, if necessary.

Staff will instruct students to:

  • Cough or sneeze into their elbow sleeve or a tissue.
  • Throw away used tissues and immediately perform hand hygiene.
  • Not touch their eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Use a mask, if necessary.

Cleaning and Disinfection

We practice regular cleaning and disinfection on a daily basis and will continue to do so to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 and other highly infections diseases from contaminating staff, students, objects and surfaces in accordance with the BC Centre for Disease Control’s Cleaning and Disinfectants for Public Settings document. This includes:

• Continuing to practice general cleaning and disinfecting of the premises at least twice daily.

• Cleaning objects that have been in contact with bodily fluids (mucous, saliva, etc.) immediately and between uses by different children. If this is not possible, the objects are set aside, in a “to be washed” bin, until they are cleaned and disinfected.

• Cleaning and disinfecting frequently-touched shared surfaces (e.g. door knobs, light switches, toilet handles, tables, desks, chairs, electronic devices, keyboards and other materials) daily

• Continuing to clean and disinfect any surface that is visibly dirty as necessary.

• Continuing to use common, commercially-available detergents and disinfectant products and closely follow the instructions on the label.

• Continuing to empty garbage containers daily.

• Continuing to wear disposable gloves when cleaning blood or body fluids (e.g. runny nose, vomit, stool, urine).

• Washing hands before wearing and after removing gloves.

• Cleaning washrooms daily keeping in line with the high touch surface area protocols.

• Continuing to provide paper hand towels rather than hand dryers.

• Clean areas that have been in contact with individuals who were in the facility and had to leave due to COVID 19 symptoms including surfaces they may have touched, immediately upon their departure.

According to the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC), there is no evidence that the COVID-19 virus is transmitted via textbooks, paper or other paper-based products. As such, there is no need to limit the distribution of books or paper based educational resources to students because of COVID-19.

Students are encouraged to practice proper hand hygiene before and after shared equipment use. Equipment that touches the mouth (e.g., instrument mouth pieces, water bottles, utensils) or has been in contact with bodily fluids will not be shared unless cleaned and disinfected in between uses. Students taking recorder lessons are assigned their own instrument.


The school follows trauma-informed practices, a compassionate lens of understanding that is helpful to all children, youth and adults, especially those who have experienced traumatic events including the emotional and traumatic impact of a pandemic. Trauma-informed practice includes:
▪ Providing inclusive and compassionate learning environments
▪ Understanding coping strategies
▪ Supporting independence
▪ Helping to minimize additional stress or trauma by addressing individual needs of students and staff
The school recognizes that some students may have experienced elements of trauma during the pandemic. Educators and support staff are advised to be aware of changes in student behaviour, including trauma-related behaviours which may include fear;
hyperactivity; aggression; body aches and pain; depression; self-harming behaviours; excessive shyness; or withdrawal.

The school uses and observes the the Ministry’s trauma-informed practice resources as well as erase (Expect Respect and a Safe Education) guidelines.


  • Cough and sneeze into their elbow, sleeve, or a tissue. Throw away used tissues and immediately perform hand hygiene.
  • Refrain from touching their eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Refrain from sharing any food, drinks, unwashed utensils.


  • Students’ work/belongings are stored in individual files/containers.
  • There is no sharing of cups, water bottles or other personal items. Personal items are labelled with the children’s names to prevent accidental sharing.
  • No food sharing.