Why a Leading Professor of New Media Banned Technology Use In Class

Clay Shirky,  a professor of media studies at New York University, has banned the use of technology in his classes. Shirky holds a joint appointment as arts professor at NYU’s graduate Interactive Telecommunications Program in the Tisch School of the Arts, and as a Distinguished Writer in Residence in the journalism institute. A leading voice on the effect technology, Shirky has been writing extensively about the Internet for nearly a decade, and admits that he is a “pretty unlikely candidate for Internet censor.”  So why the ban now? Read more here .

Patricia Kuhl: The Linguistic Genius of Babies

Patricia Kuhl shares astonishing findings about how babies learn one language over another — by listening to the humans around them and “taking statistics” on the sounds they need to know. Clever lab experiments (and brain scans) show how 6-month-old babies use sophisticated reasoning to understand their world. (Filmed at TEDxRainier in 2010.)