MMUN 2017

As part of our regular, rigorous Montessori program, students, especially those in elementary, participated in a variety of field trips near and far including our biennial participation at the Montessori Model United Nations (MMUN) conference in New York City and hosted a slew of community visitors for in-class presentations.

In New York, students enjoyed exploring Times Square and visiting the Metropolitan Museum, Statue of LIberty (and Ellis Island), the Hayden Planetarium, and American Museum of Natural History where they participated in a workshop at the Sackler Educational Laboratory on DNA.

Sketching as part of a lecture on exploring art across cultures with a focus on Ancient Civilizations.
MMUN students at the American Museum of Natural History, Records of the Past Exhibit.
“Liberty enlightening the world!”
We challenged ourselves to present a display board consisting of only handwritten text and hand-drawn images – the only one of its kind at the conference!
Students performed at the MMUN to a 3000+ audience and on our final day, voted on resolutions at the United Nations General Assembly Hall.
Mission accomplished!